The Internet Is Crap

Note: This post was originally posted to Facebook on the 8th January 2012 but due to facebook mistakenly thinking it goes against community guidelines (mistaking my sources for spam without actually having read the post maybe) only I could see it. Note: Some links no longer show what they used to (the URLs having been bought I guess, another reason why the internet sucks) and some apparently violate facebook’s community standards so I have removed them.

Yeah I know I’m on it but if you can’t criticise your own people you shouldn’t criticse anyone else’s.

What annoys me about it in general is the leetspeak (which serves no purpose other than inflating the egos of the people who understand it),smileys (which are for people too stupid to make it obvious how they feel just by using words),stupidity,extreme liberalism (“hey man the musicians only get like 5% of the profit from sales of their music so I’ll pirate the music even though the musicians don’t make anything from piracy,that’ll really stick it ot the corporations but not the person I claim to care about”),extreme libertarianism,fringe political views that are just as bad,the ads that are nearly always unconvincing,uninteresting or both,the sloth of administrators,bias of moderators,stupid,unfunny memes,reviews which all say the same things about the thing in question being reviewed,the silly assumption that not using your real name makes you more anonymous (which it doesn’t because anyone who really cares about who you are can easily track you down anyway) which leads to oceans of vicious trolling,the molestation of the English language (calling things win and fail even though that doesn’t make any sense aswell as using the equals sign to make the point that something is the same even though the equals sign means that something is of equal value) and leetspeak (lol in theory means laughing out loud but in practice it means “I find this to be slightly amusing” and :p is supposed to be sticking one’s tongue out but in practice it doesn’t mean anything),the never ending culture war the Americans have which has gone on for so long that it isn’t worth winning and is at a stalemate anyway which the Americans insist on exporting all around the world because apparently a non-worthwhile stalemate for control of America alone would be extremely welcome abroad. I also hate the spam,the scams,the viruses and solipsism as well as people describing something as old,real,right or true then putting the word in quotation marks indicating that they don’t believe in what they described the thing as and just want to troll people that do,clicking on a link only to see the website it linked to is now just an advertising site and the fact that people have to use 4Chan terminology for everything (“weeaboos”,”Rule 34″ etc.) and the hype which half of the time turns out to be about something crap or at least hugely overrated (remember the Large Hadron Collider?). There’s also the extreme intolerance that anyone religious is treated to; internet users think we’re sub human scum that only exist to be made fun of by the self proclaimed ubermenschen just because we’re not them. When I look for stuff that agrees with me that humans suck I find even more reasons why they suck as the misanthropes are as stupid a bunch of jerks as the humanists. People constantly going to pages of groups they hate just to annoy them. This is the internet in a nutshell.

On social networking sites the atrocious grammar, the emotionalist, ridiculously authoritarian punishments suggested by the readers when there’s a news report of someone doing something bad.

On YouTube the obsession with having people comment,rate and subscribe but in spite of this egotism not using one’s real name,the “thumbs up if you’re watching in the current year” comments which are unimaginative and are a bit like walking into a pub and saying “Buy me a beer if this is a pub”,the young American amateur musicians who I previously had no contact or knowledge of their existence sending me friend requests no doubt in the deluded idea that they will someday make it big even though not even 1% of the population get famous due to the effect explained by the Nash equilibrium,the going to videos of battles and belittling the winning side, the nostalgia; “ooh the 80’s/90’s were God’s own decade where all music was ultragreat and nowadays the only people who make music are Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber and all of the music is superultrabad” even though every decade is as musically crap as one another and if you substititute the 60’s and 70’s for the 80’s and 90’s  you get what your parents think. Obviously the worst things are the lack of talent, surplus of hype and farcical,paranoid,ideologically self serving conspiracy theories.

In fanfiction the stories with poor grammar,atrocious logic and gay sex between two males who were never even implied to be gay but the writers nonetheless delude themselves into thinking that they are because they were in some way nice to one another in a few episodes.

In multiplayer games the atrocious ideas of the clueless jerks that infest them. Gamer logic: going fast? You’re a rushing noob. Not moving? You’re a camping noob. Worse than me? You’re a noob. Better than me? You’re a hacker. The “camping” the players refer to is what real soldiers (who have a clue about war beyond stupid rules that only exist in practice) call holding a position, which can be hugely beneficial. Why not hold still on top of a hill? Apart from the sky a game’s terrain isn’t just for design, why would game makers waste their time putting in stuff they didn’t want people to use when they could better spend their time,money and effort doing something else?

I hate Wikipedia for the bias of its editors and the farcical way it has handled neutrality.

I hate tvtropes for calling tropes after things everyone would have to look up if they hadn’t seen the show/movie/videogame/whatever it references, for its horrifying combination of “The Rule Of Cautious Editing Judgement” and “Your Mileage May Vary”, a combination which basically means “in order to not offend anybody we must paint a character and his opponent as both being equally evil because having an opinion automatically means you have a point and happiness is more important than truth” leading to the farcical idea that L is as bad as Light Yagami because he held THE GUY WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WORLDWIDE MASS MURDERS WITHOUT TRIAL. Fair enough holding people without trial is wrong but it’s nowhere near as wrong as murdering people all over the world just because they’re criminals or just DISAGREE with you. I also hate the constant references to “The MS3K Mantra” (“don’t worry about it”) nearly always when this little piece of advice is completely useless.

People tout the internet as being this thing that allows you to contact people anywhere in the world instantly but in reality most people on the internet are urban, liberal, atheist, postmodern existentialist, mean, ungrateful, pretentious jerks that are mean even to their own. Life is nasty,brutish and short and the internet nasty,brutish and huge.

==Recommended Viewing/Reading==

About European Qoheleth

Catholic, (who's sick to death of infighting and dissent in the church) communitarian aspie from the Republic of Ireland.
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